The life 2



Glimpses from everyday life, designed with quotes. 

Check it out!

● I am what I am. And I am never ashamed to be that, because I never betray myself.

● Sometimes solitude is the best company, and silence the best music. 

Because that's when your heart sings to you, and the universe interacts with you through yourself. ●

● If you want something with all your heart, and dedicate your whole soul for that,

There's nothing, nothing in the whole universe that can stand against your way to achieve it. ●

● Bloom for yourself. 

Because the fundamental soul of universe incarnates within you; and pleasing yourself, you can feel the pleasure of whole universe. ●

● There are some pains so agonising that you can't bear alone, yet can't seek help in shame and fear of mockery. 

Believe me, even death feels less painful than those. ●

● Smile today, if only for yourself. 

Because it is your own self who stood with you at the darkest of times when everyone else had left. ●

● There's only one person in the world who will never lie to you, never betray you, never hide anything from you, never misunderstand you, never abuse or hurt you, never abandon you... will remain truthful and loyal to you forever.

That person is none other than you.

So, learn to befriend yourself. ●

● You are the luckiest person at this moment. 

Because you, only you have an intensely brilliant, potent, kind and loyal person who'll never abandon you. Yes, you have yourself completely, which none other has in this world. 

So awaken, enlighten and inflame your inner self, and you'll be stronger than anyone else. ●

● Yes, it's none other than you, who climbed mountains, trod deserts, never stopping in the most violent of blizzards and firestorms; to arrive here at your present self.

I love you, dear friend, and I'm always proud of you. ●


Image : pexels, Wikimedia commons
Quotes : myself. 

Feel free to download these. Just don't misuse :)

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