
Ode to a Sapling

Arise, green angel, awake from thy slumber,

Open thy eyes to world, for here comes the hour.

On thy bed his elixir sky does shower

To soften the hold of Earth's loving sheath, 

Wake up, green angel, out of underneath

Cleave and split yer way, let riven thy binds.

Come up, in Earth's air flutter yer leaves,

Heaven will lave thee with rays and nectar.

Flourish, angel, in thy garbs of redeemer!

Thou shalt absorb all poison that's ours,

And us all sustenance shalt thou giveth,

Still thy brown corslet will devils smiteth.

Ne'er they're forgiven, for green angel shines

Over their death from unabsorbed toxins.

Alone With The Sun

The shining azure awning was adorned by

Fluffy, milky white clouds that rose high

Forming a magnificent castle in sky,

At its turret blazed the ancient gemstone

That lighted this Earth since the era bygone,

Its shine ethereal with streaks of the old,

Primordial, forgotten eons it did behold:

It had glowed when pterodactyls did fly

Or on the dinosaur who had his lie

Below the primeval trees in his majesty,

On knights, barons, emperors it had shone;

In soft solitude, of olden unknown

It breathed with dreamy beams of gold

Through which its memories did it unfold.

A Farewell Ode to School

The power that once held the lost girl dear

In thy arms o' dream for so many a year,

And wiped away every hidden pain and tear

Felt by no one ever, and did her raise

Up from despair's fathomless abyss,

Snatched her away from iron grip of death,

Back in thy loving shade did her bringeth

Defying the pandemic's malignant glare:

Resurrect, rekindle that empyrean power!

Please, let that blaze in this pain-bloodied hour

To stop flow of time, cruel, merciless;

And keep her held forever in thy embrace!

In thy campus like a shedded bud or leaf

Please, in eternal dreams let her drifteth.

A Memorial Ode to School

After fourth dimension doth flow for years,

And adorns thee with new fame and splendours;

In some twilight when all joy and laughters

Thy students' will cease, and alone thou leave,

Shalt thou remember the eyes of that eve

Cloud-gloomy with pain, that pleaded to linger

Prostrated in campus of thine forever?

Shalt thou try in vain to find the marks

Dried in the dust of thy yard, her tears?

To stop flow o' time, her intense fervours 

Will ever recur? — Alas, she who did grieve 

To leave thee never, had nothing to give

Thee apart a love-filled heart; so has for ever

Faded off in light of thy so many a star.

The Ultimatum of Destiny

Beneath torn skin, flesh explodes to splatter 

Crimson blood-stream; and, Heaven's beam o' fire

Evanesce its pain, exhausts it to cinder;

Still, it's dampened by dry flow o' tears,

Invisible, unseen, unknown to universe;

Away from world's eye, in agonised darkness

In unseen pen o' pain, ancient, timeless,

Weeps that tear-cloud-moistened char

Buried below blazing glow o' golden ember

That paints itself in time-leaves forever:

And then, the Ultimate's shaft of flares

Caressingly burns those blood-cinder letters;

Remains only oblivion, of blasted flesh,

In that void bleeds ever unrevealed ashes.

Ode to an Ancient Archway 

Outer sky radiates gold, erupts outer world

With hues; but thou rest quiet in all.

In thee reigns shadow o’ solitude, or pall

Of sleeping dreams; with tranquillity pearled

Sing thou, of visions o’ cosmos unfurled.

Free from the glossy present, or future's thrall,

In thy lap, dream's mellow dew-drops fall

Unoppressing, as nature's sweet laces curled.

Shrine o’ dream! Thou need no chic flashiness;

Time itself has girdled thee with its glow

What bright can outshine that? What beauty has

Opulence of dripping bygone? Reality, oh,

Is real, still realer 's dream; doesn't it posses

The blessings of nature's serene, never-dying flow!

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