Grieving For A Long Lost Friend
As in the middle of a stormy night,
Piercing through the clouds, the lightning flourishes,
And blackness melts away with the light,
That brief moment surrenders to total darkness...
In the hellish time of lockdown months
My past days flash in my mind's sky,
And light me up with sweet recollections,
One after another image passes before my eye...
A young girl sitting in a packed classroom
And listening attentively to her teachers,
Or taking down notes of that day's lesson
Or walking to blackboard to write answers...
Or quarrelling to get space to sit and
To keep huge bags in small benches,
Or to read a book, with a close friend
And getting re-united in a few moments...
Or laughing and talking happily with her friends
And playing with them in or out of class,
And telling a story which she liked very much
And singing individually or in chorus...
Or entering in exam hall, greatly tense and afraid
After giving a final glance to notes and papers
Then waiting anxiously for the result to be declared
Experiencing joy or heartbreak afterwards...
Or writing rhythmical verses and painting posters
And making models for an upcoming festive day,
Or singing or reciting in school functions
These moments of reminiscence soon pass away...
And I'm plunged into utter grief and sadness
For being far away from a friend, who
Showed me the path to follow my dreams
And brought one by one of them true...
A fainting hope glimmers in complete darkness
Of returning into the arms of that friend
Whose transformation will be quick like a flash
From an empty building to a dreamland...
Perhaps she will never know this sheer will
Perhaps wind won't carry to her my moan,
This heartbroken cry will burst from me still
"My school, my dear school, where have you gone!"
Ode To Death
When will you come? After how many
Eons of this never ending pain and sadness?
Come, rescue me from this valley of loneliness
That shall forever remain filled with agony.
Let your tranquil touch erase all grief,
Come, let this agonised life be torn apart,
In your iron fist stop the heart
That still beats a worthless, futile life.
Let the brutally slashed senses be quiet
And make all stabs of pain cease,
From the scorched, tearless eyes erase all light,
Stop the breathing, feared by all joy and bliss...
Come, death, deliver me from this plight,
And take me to your land of eternal peace.
The Endless Ocean Of Sadness
When the whole universe conspires to hurt you,
The entire world turns hostile,
Every beauty of life mocks your helplessness,
Laughs at your failures, your shattered dreams....
The golden sunlight does nothing than
To remind you of the greyness of your life,
The gentle breeze blows away all
Hope, smile, delight that's remaining,
Everything inside you wants to explode
In a torrent of tears, a thousand screams
Want to burst from your bosom, but
The weight of agony crushes your voice.
It burns your eyes tearless,
Wants to slash your heart in shreds,
To cover your senses with agonized blood,
To tear your worthless life apart....
It torments you until hell freezes over,
The few slightly sympathetic hands
From around can't alleviate it,
For you know, you're utterly alone in long run....
The only touch that seems comfortable
The only hand that feels helpful
Is of Death's.... you know, the angel who
Can rescue you is none but Death......
You wait for his serene shadow
To cover you with timeless sleep,
For his placid, tranquil hand
To take you to the valley of eternal peace.
Please, Give Me Shelter In Your Arms
I know, you'll not
Turn away from me,
In your arms you'll protect me
From all pains and sorrows of the world
So I want, I greatly want
So run to you this very instant
And slump under
The great green trees in your yard
To comfort my scorched, tearless eyes
In your delicate, affectionate, serene shadow
To embrace the ground I used to
Walk on to my paradise once...
Yes, let my last lie be in my paradise,
Hidden from the cruel, unforgiving world
Under the sweet white blanket in your garden
I'll drift to eternal dreams.
The Beckoning Universe
The glitters that adorned
The eternal darkness of universe
Were smiling at her,
Silently calling her, "Come, come!"
The stream of sweet wind flowed
Through her mangled soul and stroked
Lovingly her sore eyes and whispered,
"Come, we'll take you with us!"
But she couldn't do anything than
Grasping the emptiness, and stretching
Her arms to nothingness, because
She knew, her dreams would be afar forever...
She knew, her wishes were empty as ever,
It was destined for her to get sucked
Back to the primordial void of creation
She was not the one to change that.
She wanted the breeze to carry her
Yonder where the stars were beaming,
She wanted to get lost in ancient expance
To become one with its cosmic entity.
She wanted to tear apart
The cruel rules of the unforgiving world,
She wanted death to dissipate her
In the oblivion of no return.
In An Old School Room
Bleeding through the panels, the sunshine filters Into the long closed room, now opened; And blends itself with an ancient, painful dream Forgotten, or in deep sleep under The peeling blanket of hollow time drops.
Years ago, the same sun had Burnt dry the innocent dew-pearls In the bosom of a newly blossomed flower.
The room had held its first pain-drop, And went to sleep beneath nighted senses.
After long sunny days scorched, clouds darkened, Deep storms wrenched, thunders convulsed, Rains overwhelmed the flower for years, The room has unveiled itself in the hour of sunset.
Its long hidden tear-mist sharpens into A violent, ruthless blade of unseen agony That inflicts itself on the greyed flower To absorb till the last drop of its heart's blood, To shatter, to smash, to exhaust it.
Alas, the tree-angel who has held it for years, Now would hurl away it, in negligence or loathing, Too hateful to let it sleep at His feet.
Without anyone to cry for it, The departed flower would fade away in The stream of cruel, unforgiving time.
Come, Let's Play Together
Come, let's play together.
Let your delicate hand to hold mine
Like no one ever did before;
Look at me, smile at me, the first smile of assurance
In this cruel, unforgiving world.
Allow your placid touch to touch me with
All the tranquility of the universe;
Come! Take me to your realm of serenity
Utterly free from all harsh truths of world.
Lead me to the reality you hold beneath
Your shadow of eternal sleep,
The reality other than where
The pure normal is pain, sorrow and despair.
They'll see blood splattering over me
A rope cutting deep into my neck, or
My body crashing to pieces, falling
From a height lower than they wish me to rise
But I know
I'll fall into your loving arms.
What they will never see
I was torn and mangled deeper by them,
My very own wishes and dreams they hanged,
My own self was crushed, crushed by them!
Let your sweet lullaby put me to sleep,
The eternal sleep with dreams of eternity;
The dreams of eternal love and smile, where
I'll find me in my very own self.
Come, death, let's play together!
You Are Never Alone
You look in front of you, then behind
Then around, but there isn't any way
Nor there's any friend you can find
Everyone has forsaken you and gone away
You're completely alone in that valley of agony
Where you have to fight internally each day
Gradually you sink deep in your misery
And each and every joy of life turns grey.
In front of others you pretend to be happy
But inside you're a bloody, mangled mess
Torturing and agonizing the world slowly become
And all colours and beauties go in vain
Desperately you want others to help thee
But nobody ever realises your sadness
Worthless, deserted you want death to come
And free you from every sorrow and pain-
But why? Even if you consider
Yourself not alive, think you are
A dead lump of flesh and blood, you've still
An existence, you are not just nothing.
Your breath still flows, your heart's beating
Pain, sorrow, disappointment you can feel,
You're human, created by God, for the evil
Can hurt you- just don't stop fighting.
Who told you're friendless? It's not true.
Dear friend, nature never abandons you
The wind lovingly strokes your hair
The golden rays of sun kiss your skin
You are never, ever alone! Be bold,
You are not futile, for you still hold
God's wonderful gift that's life, don't despair
You always have the power to do anything.
Don't think you're worthless, for you are strong
You haven't lost to your sadness and pain
So brave you are, they won't hurt you long,
They will leave you soon, and you'll win.
Don't ever let your sorrows defeat thee,
Look into its eyes and say, "I am happy."
Cheer up, dear friend, never stop hoping,
Somewhere in this vast world, your friends are waiting.
After Darkness Comes The Sun
What if your wishes aren't fulfilled?
God didn't grant them, because He plans
To bring you something you can't even imagine!
When cloud covers the stars, you feel sad,
But when the sky clears, the moon shines
More beautiful and bright than all stars!
Why grieve when your dreams are shattered?
They are gone because they were too small
Compared to what is going to come true!
When sun is hidden behind clouds, you are
Afraid of darkness, but then the lightning flashes
More bright and dazzling than the hidden sun!
When sorrows surrounds you, why feel broken?
They have come because they want to surprise you
With the joy and delight awaiting ahead!
Rise like a phoenix out of the ash of pain,
If sadness engulf you like an abyss of coal
Shine like diamond in that darkness!
Every heartbreak is a reminder of upcoming joy,
So never be dejected, dear friend,
Be brave, and wait for the paradise ahead!
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