Aim And Existence : Passion vs Reason In Life
Goal. Target. Aim. The words are too familiar with our childhood. Perhaps we can't find a single person who didn't read or write the essay ‘My aim in life’ in school. While reading this, many of you will be reminded of the all- time famous phrase, “An aimless life is like a ship without a rudder.”
But still there's a twist : do we always choose the right aim?
Sometimes you set a goal and are confident to achieve it; still something in the back of your mind calls it an over-confidence. Sometimes the same voice shouts that goal to be of too low standard, that you could do much better.
Worst time comes when you're torn between yourself; when a part of you shows you a goal and another part screams that to be not the right one at all. Most often your heart and passion says one thing while your brain and reason speaks the exact opposite; leaving you totally torn and indecisive.
I know, I'm not lying when I say most of us have faced that situation at least once in life, if not everyone. That situation feels like a fork at the turnpoint in our lives — after choosing one, some of us become happy to thrive, and some become unhappy to succumb slowly. Some reach a neutral stage where no happiness or unhappiness makes sense; they live their life just for living.
That's what makes goal or aim so crucial. Because it's about nothing other than survival. The more crucial part comes when it comes to choosing between passion and reason.
Most people will say, passion includes zero reason. It's simply led by emotions, without any connection to reality; while reason builds upon reality solely.
Think of this, what view of reality builds our reason? As much as we see around us, right? And how much do we see of it, actually?
We still haven't determined the very outer and inner boundaries of our universe. We simply don't know still, where it begins and where it ends. Are you sure it'll not be a big lie if you say, you've seen a lot of it and nothing exists beyond what you've seen?
This is where reasoning ends, and philosophy begins. The very thing that depends on our inner instincts and values, similar like passion.
That's why passion itself is the biggest reason of all. Because it resonates with our very existence. Because it comes from the deepest of our heart, through interaction with nothing other than the purest form of nature.
Existence is the very keyword of the world, and is most thoroughly involved with survival. Most of us have read this in school days : Darwinian theory of evolution. Struggle for existence. Natural selection. Survival of the fittest. The fundamental principles of living world.
And here comes the question: how shall we know who is the fittest? Who will survive at the end? How will someone be selected by nature to survive?
Well, a readily answer is available. The one who is fittest. But again, how shall we know who that is?
The irrepressible desire to prove oneself fittest has haunted humankind since ancient times. This gave rise to war in ages. Gradually the concept of ‘civilization’ intervened, bringing with it sweet words like ‘peace’ ‘fraternity’ ‘humanity’ etc; but one will be lying to oneself if those words really exist till today. That ancient question still haunts us, originating in every kind of complicity in our society. The silent venom of competition, that eats away deep into our social and personal lives; has no other origin than that ancient desire.
The rat race of survival often misses the primary principle : existence.
Struggle for existence. We often overlook that in this struggle, there should never be any competition. No two individuals’ struggles should be same, because their very existences are different. Nature itself won't allow two individuals exactly alike. All three coordinates of two points at a time can never be equal. All four quantum numbers of electrons, which are simply the parameters of their identity; can never be equal for two of them in an atom. In an universe where identical twins too are subtly different, should any unhealthy competition or rat race for survival ever occur?
Nature allows each and every child of it to survive and thrive. One just has to find one's true existence, without foolish comparison to another.
And the biggest guide of you in this journey is your passion. The thing that is the voice of your soul, guided by the ancient, untainted universe. The thing that is the biggest, the most unconditional, unwavering reason itself; followed but not interfered by those what are built upon reality.
Believe me, happiness and smile will never fail you. You just need to stay true to your heart.
Because inside you dwells none other than the Ultimate Divine Spirit : the finest, purest entity that is inside every single thing, single organism and single matter of this universe; the One that is behind every happening in this universe; the One that expresses itself in various forms, yet always the one and uniform.
In your journey through life you may feel like you're foolish, but the One who wakes within you is not.
You may think you're stupid, but whom you are an incarnation of — the Fundamental, Universal Divinity, is never, ever.
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