Dream Of A Young Heart | A Letter Of A Young Girl

Written in May 2020

Dear professor Trilokeshwar Shanku,

I have read your marvellous and incredible adventures. You are my icon, my inspiration– I have been inspired by your stories to be a great scientist like you. I wonder why people believe that you are an imaginary character. My strong belief is that there is a replica of the solar system in somewhere of this great universe including a planet which is exactly alike our Earth– except some people, places, things and animals– that people include you, your friend Jeremy Saunders, Wilhelm Chroll, John Summervile, Hugo Dumberton, Francis Fielding, Abinash Mazumdar, Nakur Chandra Biswas– that things include your inventions like miracurall, annihilin pistol, air-conditioning pill, remembrain, ceribrilant, luminimax, compudium, neo-specteroscope, microsonograph, omniscope, camerapid, linguagraph, and so more– that animals include autoplasm and E.A.

Today, I am writing you this letter to make some wishes to you. I hope you will fulfill those wishes.

I think, you have wiped away every disease from your planet with the help of your wonderful medicine miracurall. Dear Shanku, it's a tough time in our Earth. A dangerous virus called coronavirus has broken out all over the world. This hideous virus has already taken more than 50 lakh lives. Dear Shanku, please come to our Earth and save millions of lives with your divine drug miracurall.

I hope, you know that thousands of students commit suicide in Earth, only from bad result in exam. I am telling you the truth, that I am not an exception of this. I, too, tried several times to kill myself and hurt and cut myself badly for bad result. Dear Shanku, please help me, and other students like me with your remembrain and ceribrilant. It is a silly wish, but I hope you will fulfill it.

Today, many people use air-conditioner in Earth. These air-conditioners emit CFC, which causes a great harm to ozone layer, and harm to ozone layer means great danger to whole Earth. Dear Shanku, please provide air-conditioning pill to Earth and stop the use of these harmful air-conditioners.

Your many inventions will be great useful in today's Earth. So I request you, dear Professor Shanku, to come in the Earth. I am telling you the position of our planet it is orbiting around the Sun, which is a star of Milkyway galaxy. Our planet is 450 light-years far from Pole Star, 4.3 light years far from Alpha-Century, 8.5 light years away from Sirius. Please come to our Earth by your invented rocket, by which you went to Tafa.

There is no way to send this letter to you, because I don't know your proper address. But I know, your friend with superhuman power, Nakur Chandra Biswas, will be able to read this letter and show this to you. Please fulfill my wishes, dear Shanku. If you're not able to come to Earth, please let me meet you in my dream– please invent a way to present yourself in someone's dream, and then appear in my dream. If you're not able to fulfill my wishes in reality, then fulfill those in dream... please come with your friends and extraordinary inventions, and take me to your adventures in my dream.

No more today. Stay well, dear Shanku.


A young girl of about 13 of Earth.  

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