Unspoken Tears | Stronger Than All
In This Mental Health Awareness Month, Let’s Stand Beside Them
Her pain appears through scars on her arm. You call her fiendish, or crazy.
One day she drifts to heaven by her own hands. You call her a sinner, for "she destroyed her life gifted by God", or "she gave this grief to her family".
You call her a irresponsible, or loser.
But, have you ever offered her any help? Have you ever given her any chance to stand back, to return to the road of winning?
So, what right do you have to call her a loser?
She asked you for a small helping hand. A little sympathy. A little support was all she wanted. What did she get from you except negligence, indifference and mockery?
What responsibilities did she have to the family, who, instead of standing beside her in her dark days, always added more to her sea of sadness?
You can't call her crazy. She is NOT crazy, she is brave, incredibly brave, braver than you can ever imagine. If you would ever known what amount of pain she has to bear always, what amount of agony she has to fight with everyday, you would have shivered to think how much strength does she have.
Her life is like a war-wrecked Ukraine, where she cannot find anything but the ruins. Except, there's no rescue party.
Let's be the rescuing angels to her and others like her. They too have dreams, let's help them achieve those. Let's offer them a helping hand out of that fathomless abyss of despair.
They too are humans. They too are created by God. They too have the ability to do something amazing. They too can perform a miracle, if only a hand of friendship is extended to them.
So, let's shed a light of hope in their tearful, bloody, mangled lives today. Let's lead them to the paradise of life today.
If you ever see someone sad, try to help that person as much as you can. You'll never know, your slightest soothing touch, your smallest compassionate word is how much invaluable to some.
Say, is there any greater contentment than seeing a smile in someone's face, and knowing that you are the only one who has been able to bring that smile?
Is there any greater happiness in seeing somebody in the peak of success, and knowing that you are the one who brought that person out of an endless ocean of agony one day?
Share this if you really want to help them in this special month. Please, extend a hand of friendship to them.
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