
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Eyes of Light | Sing for Humanity

  We were born in Earth, we're children of her, Come, all siblings! Let's sing for that mother.  May not matter our races and religions We're all human, be that our identity.  Come hindus , come muslims , come christians ,  Come! We all shall sing for humanity.  Today we're surrounded by a hellish darkness, There demons are playing destruction.  Hear, brave friends, through that deadly stillness! The paradise is calling at the horizon.  Hell-terror 'll be blown with our last breath,  Built in our lives will arise the Heaven! There Life will flourish from the bosom of death,  In his voice will ring the song of Human!  No danger or obstacle will stop us, Our head 'll be lowered by no injustice! With our blood we'll wipe all stigmas,  A new, unblemished world will arise!  Come, ye lives passed through dark night! Come, ye lives free from fear and cruelty! Come, in that dreamland let's unite, There we all shall sing for humanity! F...

Dream Of A Young Heart | A Letter Of A Young Girl

Written in May 2020 Dear professor Trilokeshwar Shanku, I have read your marvellous and incredible adventures. You are my icon, my inspiration– I have been inspired by your stories to be a great scientist like you. I wonder why people believe that you are an imaginary character. My strong belief is that there is a replica of the solar system in somewhere of this great universe –  including a planet which is exactly alike our Earth– except some people, places, things and animals– that people include you, your friend Jeremy Saunders, Wilhelm Chroll, John Summervile, Hugo Dumberton, Francis Fielding, Abinash Mazumdar, Nakur Chandra Biswas– that things include your inventions like miracurall, annihilin pistol, air-conditioning pill, remembrain, ceribrilant, luminimax, compudium, neo-specteroscope, microsonograph, omniscope, camerapid, linguagraph, and so more– that animals include autoplasm and E.A. Today, I am writing you this letter to make some wishes to you. I hope you will fulfill...