
Showing posts from May, 2023

Stylus of the Green | The Emblem Of Life

Third place winner in ClimateScience Global Community Poetry Contest, April 2023 The night began to melt in day, The darkness in sky began to fade away In the first glow from the skyline.... He wasn't there to awake at the end of night.  The red globe lifted its head  From its under horizon bed And flooded the world in shine from heaven.... He wasn't there to bathe in first light. Across the field swam the breeze  To its rhythm danced the grasses The birds sang to the beauties.... He wasn't there amidst all those delight.  The sky was dressed in sapphire blue, At her crown a topaz was glowing like fire, We were sweating while walking along the street.... He wasn't there to shade us from heat. Perhaps the sky realised all? In the afternoon she changed to   Her mourning dress of dark black.... She spread white flowers in memory of him And wept, wept profusely over his death, Her cry reverberated through the atmosphere.... The wind joined the mourning,  S...

Dream of A Young Heart | The Blessings of Paradise

Winner in Summer Writing Contest 2023, Little Authors The light again began to come back to her eyes. She could see and hear again. She stretched her almost numb hands and felt the sheets upon which she was lying. It was wet. She brought her hands in front of her and was startled for a moment. It was blood. Slowly she swept her eyes around her. The sheets was drenched in blood, so was her clothing.  She felt no pain, no sickness, nothing. Rather she felt more relaxed and energetic than ever. So where did all this blood come from? Suddenly her fingers brushed her chest. She realised her chest was covered with several deep, horribly deep wounds. They should have hurt severely, but surprisingly there was no pain at all. She seemed to have crossed the realm of pain and sorrow. All of a sudden her fingers closed upon something cold and metallic. She held it in front of her eyes and immediately recognised the black mass of metal that was lying beside her. Everything began to surface in h...

Unspoken Tears | Stronger Than All

In This Mental Health Awareness Month, Let’s Stand Beside Them May is International Mental Health Awareness Month. A victim of severe depression, bipolar disorder and psychosis since before teen years, and a suicide attempt survivor for multiple times, speaks about helping others like her. She sits alone whole day, crying. You call her a show-off, or attention-seeking. Her pain appears through scars on her arm. You call her fiendish, or crazy. One day she drifts to heaven by her own hands. You call her a sinner, for "she destroyed her life gifted by God", or "she gave this grief to her family". You call her a irresponsible, or loser. But, have you ever offered her any help? Have you ever given her any chance to stand back, to return to the road of winning? So, what right do you have to call her a loser? She asked you for a small helping hand. A little sympathy. A little support was all she wanted. What did she get from you except negligence, indifference and mockery...