Stylus of the Green | The Emblem Of Life

Third place winner in ClimateScience Global Community Poetry Contest, April 2023 The night began to melt in day, The darkness in sky began to fade away In the first glow from the skyline.... He wasn't there to awake at the end of night. The red globe lifted its head From its under horizon bed And flooded the world in shine from heaven.... He wasn't there to bathe in first light. Across the field swam the breeze To its rhythm danced the grasses The birds sang to the beauties.... He wasn't there amidst all those delight. The sky was dressed in sapphire blue, At her crown a topaz was glowing like fire, We were sweating while walking along the street.... He wasn't there to shade us from heat. Perhaps the sky realised all? In the afternoon she changed to Her mourning dress of dark black.... She spread white flowers in memory of him And wept, wept profusely over his death, Her cry reverberated through the atmosphere.... The wind joined the mourning, S...